"In order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn." ― Octavia Butler


"Understand Yourself" a film exploring the science fiction novel Patternmaster by Octavia E. Butler that details a secret history continuing from the Ancient Egyptian period to the far future that involves telepathic mind control through movement.

'Understand Yourself' by Theo Croker and Chronixx transports viewers to another order of reality; to an early 20th century Black Nationalism, embracing ideals like unity and self- determination. All of it wrapped in soulful sounds and idyllic surroundings.



Director: Kordae Jatafa Henry Producers: Gitai and Theo Croker
Associate Producer: Jhanvi Motla
DP: Alan Torres


January 24th, 2020 via Theo Croker YouTube Channel/4:3 Boiler Room